Know exactly when, where, and what to apply, even the best time of day to spray. Save costs while you maximize protection with the most tested and reliable digital fungal disease management advisor in the market.
Visual display of the current disease infection risk for a field
Tracks weather to advise on the best days and times to spray
Near-term graphical view showing possible chance of infection
Monitors the current field-specific and regional disease risk
Track activities and increase accuracy by logging spray events
Additional information available for a deeper dive into the data
The most effective way to manage plant disease is by prevention. Know exactly where, what and when to spray, even down to the best time of day. Save costs on chemicals and spraying while you maximize protection.
The system calculates a dynamic, daily infection risk that takes into account conditions for fungal growth, plant growth, crop type, and previous crop protection applications. The system also recommends the day and time to minimize environmental loss.
At the end of the growing season, you can review your plant protection activities. This allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of your spraying for future seasons.
CropX Disease Control has been developed and validated for most crops and diseases in cooperation with scientific experts. Savings of more than 40% in practice have been demonstrated. The Disease Control software has been tested globally and trusted by farmers for over 25 years and is used in more than 20 countries.
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Julia brings with her more than 20 years of experience in corporate development, partnerships, M&As and business strategy.
Prior to joining CropX, Julia held roles such as Corporate Development Director at STK Bio-Ag Technologies, a leading global biopesticide company, and as Deputy Head of M&A at Caisse des Depots et Consignations in France. Earlier in her career, Julia served as an AVP at Lazard Freres Investment Banking and as a Manager at KPMG Corporate Finance.
Julia holds an MBA from ESSEC Business School in France.