On Tim & Kirsten O’Sullivan’s property, Sustainable Prospects, near Clyde in Central Otago, the annual average rainfall is low and irrigation water is expensive. When there is any uncertainty about soil moisture levels, often the default decision is to irrigate which can result in an inefficient use of water resources for this 500ha farm. Thomas Bird, managing agronomist for the O’Sullivan’s, wanted to work with Tim to drive his decision-making on farm through data and suggested CropX technology as a good starting point. CropX combines in-ground hardware and satellite technology to deliver a comprehensive data dashboard directly to Tim’s laptop and helps him tailor his farm management system from the ground up. “We [Tim & I] can keep a close eye on soil moisture levels, optimise fertiliser inputs and maximise nutrient uptake into the plant,” Thomas says. See more about the application of CropX technology on the O’Sullivan’s property, and what it could add to your farm management system.